Resource Library
Keep it simple in the staff room
23rd March 2023
An update from Rachel on prayer spaces in schools in Dundee
16th March 2023
Pop up
Gresham’s School ‘Soul Space’ Back For A Third Year
9th March 2023
As someone who is passionate about church being church in the school community, I believe that prayer spaces are one of the best tools we have to do this!
2nd March 2023
Soul Space at St. Andrew's Primary School, Marks Tey
23rd February 2023
A report from Joanna Jones, Bishop if Kensington's Youth & Schools' Chaplain, on an Advent prayer space on one of the area's schools
15th February 2023
There is something very wonderful about a room that students associated with times of trouble, being transformed into a place of peace.
9th February 2023
As soon as I began the role, I felt God was calling for me to set up something on the playgrounds which could be accessed by more children
31st January 2023
A report from Ali Rice on their recent prayer space in school in St Thomas's, Wigan.
26th January 2023
We’d love to hear about your prayer spaces
GB & Ireland