Step 2

Serving the School Community

Building a relationship that serves the whole school community.

Prayer spaces work best in the context of a good relationship between the school community and a local church or group of churches.

  • How are the churches in your area already serving the local school community?
  • Are there any connections between the school staff or the Governors and the local church leaders or children’s and youth workers?
  • Do any of the pupils, or their parents, participate in the local churches?

Always start with existing relationships if possible. Arrange to meet with those you know in the school or the church to discuss the next steps.

Meeting with the School

If you are from a local church, and you’re scheduled to meet with one of the school’s Senior Leadership Team, it’s important to prepare well. Think about what will be best to take with you – here are some suggestions:

  • A short, single-page summary of how the prayer space could work, who would be involved, and how it could be followed up
  • A couple of stories from prayer spaces in other schools, maybe with the contact details of the Head teachers
  • An iPad/tablet with videos or photos of other prayer spaces
  • Copies of any relevant Education Guides or Good Practice Guides or the Research Summary Booklet

If you do decide to plan a prayer space together, try and agree some of the details – here are some questions:

  • When will the prayer space take place, and will it be open for a day or for a week? You will need a few weeks to recruit a good team and to plan everything well.
  • What room/space is available? This will influence what prayer activities you use, and the size of team you’ll need. The sooner you know this, the better.
  • Will the prayer space be open during lesson times, or just during break times? If classes will be coming for their lessons, will the team be expected to deliver any particular content?
  • Are there any key themes that the school would like to include (e.g. exam stress, recovery, transition)? Are there any seasonal themes that could shape the style and content?
  • What policies, guidelines and other expectations will the team need to be aware of and prepared for (e.g. DBS checks, Safeguarding, risk assessments)?

If you are from a local church, remember that you are there to serve the school community, to be ‘good news’. A well-hosted prayer space will enrich the spiritual and pastoral life of the school.

Getting started Registering your prayer space

Need Help?

If you need any further help and advice with your prayer space, please in touch.

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