Resource Library
The Bible says that when we say sorry, God forgives…
This prayer activity is by Bristol Schools Connection for their…
Plants need water to stay healthy and strong. People also…
Philippians 4:6-7 God gives us peace.
Think about the leaders that are in your life.
People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks…
1 Timothy 2:2 “You should pray for kings and for…
Invites pupils to think about what it means to be…
Pupils are invited to think about what good they want…
Parts of the natural world that they care about.
God wants us to be free & not held back
This was written by GenR8 for Lent
Prayer for stillness &peace in countries that are fighting
Helps pupils to pray for volunteers and those helping others.
Pupils think about and pray for those who need comfort.
Considering those who have left their homes because of war.
Helps pupils to pray for the war in Ukraine.
Using Psalm 36 v 5-6 and looking at the sky
Looks for things that WOW them and say thank you.
Encourages pupils to think about their carbon footprint and choices.
Invites families to think of five thankful things
Invites pupils to think of five thankful things
Invites families to untie knots for each of their worries.
Invites pupils to think about things they want to leave…
Invites families to think about the 'Wow!' moments in life.
Invites pupils to share acts of kindness during their day.
Invites families to write/draw their hopes/prayers to God.
Invites families to think about the challenges and opportunities.
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