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Prayer Activity

Human Trafficking

The equivalent of ten jumbo-jet loads of men, women and children are trafficked (bought and sold) within their own countries and across international borders every day.

People are bought and sold as slaves, into sexual exploitation, forced begging, sweat shops, etc. This activity encourages pupils to consider the terrible reality of human trafficking and suggests ways to pray and to respond further.

This prayer activity is one of a growing number in our library that focus on injustice in the world. We believe that it is important to engage pupils in considering the injustices in our world, and encouraging these children and young people to pray about them and respond to them. This activity involves writing names or prayers onto strips of paper and stapling them together to form a ‘prayer chain’.

People trafficking is the fastest growing means by which people are enslaved, the fastest growing international crime, and one of the largest sources of income for organised crime.” UN Office on Drugs and Crime

To get started, please watch the short video and download the PDFs.

Please be aware that this prayer activity is aimed for Secondary aged pupils. The content of this prayer activity could be upsetting. We would recommend reading through the instructions and case studies carefully before using this prayer activity. Should you have any questions regarding this prayer activity, please feel free to contact our team via email.



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