This short series of prayer activities will help pupils to reflect on and engage with the Christmas story in a fresh way.
Stories are more than entertainment. Good stories invite us to join in. These prayer activities invite pupils to participate and engage in the Christmas story as it unfolds, to consider the thoughts and feelings of some of the principle characters, and to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings as well.
Good stories enable us to see our own life-story in new ways. These prayer activities invite pupils to reflect on the events and relationships in their lives, and encourages them to express their thoughts and feelings, ask questions, and if they want to, try praying.
Five ideas for reflection and prayer are included in this short series, exploring;
+ Gabriel and Mary – Hope and Dreams
+ Born in a manger – Saying Sorry
+ Shepherds on a hill – World Map
+ Wise men’s star – Asking for Guidance
+ Jesus’ Gifts – Being Thankful