The Prayer Spaces in Schools team in each nation is made up of a mix of staff and volunteers who are passionate about serving churches and schools to host the best prayer spaces for children and young people. You can find out more about, and contact, the teams in each nation below.
Josias is a teaching student at the Philipps University of Marburg and has been running an open tutoring program in his district on a voluntary basis for several years. He loves creating a place for students where learning progress and personal development can take place. His wish is that children and young people develop their full potential and that schools become a place of light and restoration through prayer spaces.
Coordinator / Germany
Jana lives in Marburg with her husband Johnny and their two children. After her training as an educator and child and youth deacon, she set up Prayer Spaces in Germany in 2010. In addition, she leads a congregation with her husband in Marburg in the Richtsberg district and inspires people with her open and cheerful manner. She is innovative and is passionate about faith and lived spirituality being expressed in a healthy way in society and especially in schools.
Magdalena is a creative and cheerful woman who lives and works in Marburg with her husband Fred. She works at Jugendheim Marbach gGmbH and is a trained social worker and community educator. For eight years she accompanied the work at PAIS Germany and Northern Ireland in the early years and led in various positions. It is particularly important to her to promote the hidden potential in people and to support young people in difficult phases of life. She also loves making things and places beautiful.
Maria lives in Marburg with her husband and their two children. She works as a deputy head of intensive assisted living with chronically mentally ill adults. In her free time, she has volunteered for schools in Hessen within the student SMD for the past 10 years. Maria loves jogging or riding a bicycle and it refreshes her. Maria lives and loves reliability and loyalty.