All schools are required to enable pupils to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.
SMSC is not taught as a subject, like RE, but is a whole school approach. SMSC development could be encouraged through assemblies, tutor time, aspects of Citizenship or PSHE, and links with the SEAL agenda, as well as in subjects like English, History or RE. There are few ready to use resources available to staff and Spiritual Development in particular can be an area that many find either contentious or confusing.
Although pupils are not assessed individually, the school is assessed by OFSTED on how well it is doing in SMSC development. The assessment criteria are included here on pages 13 and 14.
A Prayer Space in School can make a significant contribution to SMSC provision. To quote from the assessment criteria, we know from experience that many pupils find a space to express their “beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people?s feelings and values” and that they derive a great “sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible.”
Download this document for more information and examples of the way that Prayer Spaces in Schools can connect with SMSC.