The Prayer Space Sessions #16; Permanent Prayer Spaces in Schools
Monday 6th Feb, 2023
Starts: 7.30pm / Ends: 8.30pm
Tickets Free
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We are back online with The Prayer Spaces Sessions! Our one hour online training event for anyone interested in running a prayer space.
This time we’ll be exploring permanent prayer spaces in schools. A permanent prayer space is one that’s available for people to use throughout the school year. It may be in the corner of a classroom, in the hall or a space set aside in the library, or even in a designated room. Depending on the type of school or college, the prayer space may have a clearly Christian character, or be designed for people of all faiths and none.
The best permanent prayer spaces are ‘curated’, that is, looked after by someone one a regular basis, maybe a chaplain or someone from the local church who can make sure the space remains welcoming and that any prayer activities are updated.
There is growing interest from schools who recognise the pupil wellbeing benefits of having a permanent space for reflection or prayer so these spaces meet a very real need.
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