
The Prayer Space Sessions #15: Pop up prayer spaces; creating a focussed moment of spiritual life

Monday 21st Nov, 2022
Starts: 7.30pm     /    Ends: 8.30pm
Online Event
Tickets Free
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We are back online with The Prayer Spaces Sessions!

Our one hour online training event for anyone interested in running a prayer space.

This time we’ll be exploring Pop Up prayer spaces; single focus spaces responding to a specific event or theme that are usually set up in a public part of the school for anyone to engage with outside of lesson time. Pop up spaces are simple to set up and can create a burst of spiritual life in the heart of a school. Helping us will be Julie and Emma.

Julie Swann has been a Prayer Spaces in Schools Networker for many years, recently returning to Cornwall where she is a Church and Community Worker for the Methodist Church. Julie will explain the process she went through in developing pop up prayer spaces in two primary schools in Banbury last summer.

Emma Jarratt is a school chaplain working in two state secondary schools in Colchester where, among many other things, she has overseen pop up prayer spaces as part of her role. Emma will be sharing her experience of planning and managing these spaces in an inclusive non-faith setting and the impact they can have on students and staff

Whether you've run lots of prayer spaces or are just getting started, join us for an evening of insight and inspiration.

This session is free and will be held on Zoom, you just need to book your ticket

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