
Prayer Spaces in Schools Training Sheffield

Thursday 18th Jan, 2024
Starts: 9.30am     /    Ends: 3.30pm
Wesley Hall Methodist Church,, Crookes
Sheffield, S10 1UD
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Prayer spaces in schools enable children and young people, of all faiths and none, to explore faith, prayer and life's big questions in a safe, creative and interactive way. They enable church and school working together to create a fantastic, experiential opportunity for spiritual development for both primary and secondary school pupils.

This training will cover all you need to know to get started in hosting your first prayer space in school; fresh ideas for experienced prayer space practitioners, practical ideas for sourcing materials and gathering a great team; best practice guidelines; theology and values underpinning prayer spaces AND a real-life prayer space for you to see and experience.

There is a small car park to the side and street parking. Please bring own pack lunch.

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