In light of the impact of the covid pandemic, climate emergency and other troubling world events, this is the perfect time to offer a quiet, reflective space to your local primary or secondary school pupils. Prayer spaces are welcoming and hospitable to young people of all faiths and none. They create space for them to gain perspective, acknowledge their thoughts and feelings and process those in a spiritual space, with the opportunity to talk to God if they want to. Research finds that they support good mental and emotional health.
Since 2007, well over a million children and young people have used a prayer space in schools and colleges around the country. This training is for anyone interested in running a prayer space in either primary or secondary schools.
You'll learn what prayer spaces are and how they work, hear stories and examples from people who have already run prayer spaces. There will be time to explore a range of prayer space activities suitable for schools, and training on the practical steps required to set up and run an engaging, safe and appropriate prayer space in a school setting.
Liz and Jane are the Prayer Spaces in Schools champions for the Bristol region and they both have lots of practical experience in running prayer spaces.
Sign upĀ here. For more information, please contact: