Das Team von Prayerspaces in Schulen in jeder Nation besteht sowohl aus angestellten als auch ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Diese setzen sich leidenschaftlich dafür ein, werteorientierte und inklusive Prayerspaces für Kinder und Jugendliche in Schulen zu schaffen. Im Folgenden erfährst du mehr über die Teams in den einzelnen Ländern und kannst diese kontaktieren".
Operations & Communications
Ebony grew up on the missions field in China and is now based in Surrey with her husband and newborn baby. She trained as a sports physiotherapist at university and has worked with children and learning-disabled adults clinical environments. She is passionate about justice, prayer and helping young people to discover who they are and what they were made for. Ebony is responsible for running the operations and communications for Prayer Spaces in Schools.
Coordinator / UK & Ireland
Emma Thompson is wife to Pete and mummy to Micah and Selah. Originally from England, she has spent the last 10 years doing a bunch of youth work related activity and now works with 24-7 Prayer Ireland co-ordinating Prayer Spaces in Schools.
Coordinator (Maternity Cover) / UK & Ireland
Laura has just returned serving with Altitude Mission for 5 months in the French Alps. She can normally be found climbing mountains, surfing and running across London where she lives. Laura studied Theology at university and was then part of the team planting a Vineyard Church in SW London. She is passionate about prayer, hospitality and making people feel really welcome. Laura is now responsible for the operations and communication for Prayer Spaces in Schools.
Core team / UK & Ireland
Liz Ogborne is on the national oversight team for PSIS. She works for Bristol Schools Connection which equips and trains church teams to serve the life of the local school. Previously she has been a primary school teacher, an RE Advisory Teacher and a schools worker teaching creative RE to primary and secondary pupils. Liz is married to Jon and they have 2 grown up children.
Phil lives on the North-East coast of England with his family (one wife, three daughters and two dogs). Phil trained and worked in a wide range of Youth & Community settings before serving as 24-7 Prayer’s UK director for 7 years. He now leads the Prayer Spaces in Schools teams, he’s part of 24-7’s Lectio365 core team, and he teaches and coaches leaders on the Diocese of Durham’s Missional Leadership for Growth (MLG) programme.
Core team / UK & Ireland
Tim leads CYO, a schools ministry in Colchester, Essex, and has been involved in schools work for quite a while. CYO has been running prayer rooms for over 20 years and in July 2008 launched Sanctum, a Prayer Space for secondary schools.