
Copyright Policy


1.  You, your school or the organisation you work for, are free to use any of the material in the Resources section for your own use without charge and without having to acknowledge Prayer Spaces in Schools. Most of the resources have been submitted by many different people who have given permission for them to be shared in this way and our hope is that they will equip you to plan, run and manage prayer spaces effectively.

However, if you want to republish anything you see on this web site there are some copyright or licensing restrictions.

None of this is intended to limit your capacity to be inspired by an idea and to make something even more amazing from it. Ideas can’t be copyrighted, bought, sold or stolen and you may well recognise a few of the ideas wrapped up in a some of the resources here. What this policy is preventing is people passing off as theirs an idea that has been transformed into a finished resource through someone else’s work.


2.  Most of this web site and its contents (including, without limitation, the text, artwork, photographs, images, music, audio material, video material and audio-visual material) are copyright, either of Prayer Spaces in Schools or of the original contributor.

Creative Commons

3.1  The exception is that some content listed under Resources (for example, prayer activities and lesson plans) is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence. This basically means that if you want to share and adapt this material you can do so subject to some pretty simple and not very restrictive conditions set out in section 8 below.
3.2  Content licensed in this way will be marked with this symbol:

Prayer Spaces in Schools is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

In detail


4.1  With the exception of some content in the resources section all content posted on this site is subject to copyright, either of Prayer Spaces in Schools or of the original contributor.
4.2  The title “Prayer Spaces in Schools” (as opposed to the descriptive phrase “prayer spaces in schools”) and the associated logo (as seen at the top of the home page and elsewhere on this site) refer to the vision, the movement as a whole and this web based resource hub, all of which form a project of 24-7 Prayer. Please do not reproduce or republish the title or logo unless you have asked us first and received prior written consent.
4.3  The title and logo should not therefore be used as a name or logo for any specific prayer space.

5.1  Photographs and other graphics or images are either the copyright of Prayer Spaces in Schools or of the original contributors who have given us permission to use them here. (see Photography Policy)
5.2  Please do not copy these photographs or images from this web site unless you have asked us first and received prior written consent.

6.  Stories and news items on this site are the copyright of the original authors who have submitted them for publication here and should not be republished without permission.

7.1  Copyright law allows you to republish reasonable portions of the content of this website as long as they are made available free of charge and for non-commercial purposes and are attributed to Prayer Spaces in Schools.
7.2  The portion of the website being republished must not be changed or edited in such a way that it modifies the content of the website or presents the portion being reproduced in a false light.
7.3  Please do not republish a substantial portion of this website unless you have asked us first and received prior written consent.

Creative Commons

8.1  Some of the content of this web site, for example the prayer activities and lesson plans in the Resources section, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence. This is to prevent other people from copying and benefitting commercially from the content that has been offered freely.
8.2  Content licensed in this way will be marked with this symbol:

Prayer Spaces in Schools is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

8.3  This means that if you want to republish or share any of these resources with others beyond the school or organisation you work with you must give appropriate credit to Prayer Spaces in Schools and you, or any third party, must not do this for commercial purposes.
8.4  You may adapt, transform or build on the resource but if you republish it or share it with others you must do so under the same Creative Commons licence. 


9.  If you spot any material on this web site that you believe infringes your or any other person’s copyright, please report this to us by clicking here.


10.1  In contributing stories, news items or resource material to Prayer Spaces in Schools you are deemed to have agreed to publication electronically or in print under the copyright terms in this document.
10.2  Copyright for any stories or news items remains with you but in submitting this content you grant Prayer Spaces in School perpetual and royalty-free permission to use, edit and publish it electronically or in print.
10.3  Copyright for any photographs you send us remains with you but in submitting them you grant Prayer Spaces in Schools perpetual and royalty-free permission to post the images on the web site or to use them in publicity or promotional material, both electronic and printed. See our Photography Policy for more details.
10.4  If you send us content for inclusion in the Resources section (e.g. prayer activities, lesson plans), and unless specifically agreed otherwise, we will assume that you grant permission to Prayer Spaces in Schools to use edit and publish the content on the web site or to use it in publicity or promotional material, both electronic and printed, under the terms of a Creative Commons 4.0 by-nc-sa licence.
10.5  In submitting content for inclusion in the Resources section you warrant that there is nothing in it that infringes the rights of any third parties.