
"Can I come back again tomorrow?"

18th April 2024

In the Spring of 2023 a group of Christians in our town were warmly welcomed at St Peter’s School, Chippenham in a 2 days visit to present our first Prayer Space.  Some of us are known at the school through Open The Book regular meetings.  We followed the theme that the school was focusing on that term of ‘Justice.’  The prayer activities we ran were:-

Following the visit we were delighted to hear from the school at how much they appreciated the visit and were thankful for the ideas of how to inspire the pupils.  We all enjoyed working with the children and were really blessed in being part of this Prayer Space.

We were so encouraged at how well the children engaged with the interactive prayer activities and they were so enthusiastic in their participation, asking questions and openly sharing their thoughts.  They showed real empathy towards those who suffer hardships and their prayers revealed this.  The children really enjoyed the time of quiet reflection out of their busy school day.  They were open to learn about how God loves them, wants to talk to them and wants to hear them speak to Him too.  One little girl was so excited and said “Can I come back again tomorrow?” It was such a blessing to see them so open to God.

Prayers included:-

  • Will I see my brother in heaven? 
  • Please bring peace
  • Please let there be no homeless people
  • The teachers enjoyed the experience also and some helped us on a few occasions when we were low on helpers.

    We learnt a lot through this our first Prayer Space and would recommend anyone looking to participate in running a Prayer Space to give plenty of preparation time for the activities and setting up before the days in school.  Also to get more helpers than you think, this enables some in the team to do part days.