
Leah Peters – Child led prayer space in school

14th March 2024


This week we wanted to share some exciting news from one of our Networkers. It is a beautiful example of a child led prayer space in school, we had to share!

Leah shared,

‘I was recently invited in the Brixworth CofE Primary ( Northamptonshire) to help a young group of 10-11 yr olds thinking about how to plan, create and start up an outdoor Prayer Space in their school playground!

At our first meeting they already came with a plathra of creative, deeply spiritual ideas, which we framed together. These ideas were not just pulled from other sources, but from their own hearts as they thought about their termly value of ‘Peace’. 

I was so moved by their enthusiasm for this and have been impressed by the execution of this by such young minds. 

Here are some photos of the prayer activities ready to go.