
An interview with Leah Peters from Northampton, our newest networker, who provides Year Six prayer spaces in schools.

3rd November 2022

Pop up

Meet Leah, if you’re based in the Northampton area and looking for some help with prayers spaces in schools you will likely come across her! Leah works for The Lighthouse Trust and they provide prayer spaces in schools specifically for Year Six, the transition year between primary and secondary schools, along with some other great projects! We caught up with Leah to find out more about Prayer Spaces in Schools.

Thank you so much for sharing with us today, how long have you been doing Prayer Spaces in Schools?

I started running a Pop-Up Prayer Space as a Year Six provision, in June 2022. 

Do you always go in the same school or different ones throughout the year? 

I currently go into 14 Primary Schools across Northamptonshire.

What age groups do you go into and are they always C of E schools?

These schools are both church and non-church schools and we currently are providing for upper Key Stage 2. (7-11)

Why do you think prayer spaces in schools is important, of value/needed?

We provide for our children physically, mentally, emotionally, but what Prayer Spaces offer is a place to bring Spiritual provision. Nothing else allows active participation in this key area, like Prayer Spaces do.

One of the most asked questions we get is, ‘how do you get team?’ So, how do you get team!?

Find a couple of people you know, that can be advocates in their local churches. Provide a place for people to ‘Try it out’ themselves. It is my experience, that when people ‘live it’ for themselves, they are the biggest team builders, as their newfound enthusiasm, carries weight!

What’s your favourite prayer activity and why?

My favourite Prayer activity so far is the paper lily that opens when in water. I think it comes under ‘Hopes and Dreams.’ The children are enthralled at watching the lily slowly open. It is just beautiful!

Do you have a memorable moment in a prayer space with a pupil that stays with you, that you are happy to share?

My most memorable moment was being told a child in the group would not get involved, as she was a strong atheist. We couldn’t work out which child it was, as they all were totally sold!

Any advice for someone new, thinking about where or how to start in their area?

  1. Contact your nearest Networker. Getting heads together with others, who have been there helps you to see the wood from the trees. 
  2. Talk to people about your hopes and dreams. This way you will start to find like-minded people who couple work with you. 
  3. Finally, attend training event, put on by Prayer Spaces in Schools. They will answer all the questions you have and help to get you started and up on your feet.

You can find the paper lily prayer activity Leah mentions under HOPE BLOSSOMS under our prayer activities here