28th October 2022
For several years Siân and the team at GenR8 in Cambridge have been resourcing permanent prayer spaces in local primary schools. They are currently supporting nine CofE schools with a fresh set of resources delivered each half term to a person at the local church. This person has an established link with the school and goes in to set up the new prayer resources and take the previous ones away. One church then sets up the activities that had been in their local school in the church for a while as another way to connect the life of the school with the supporting congregation.
Recently I was able to visit one of the schools they are working with to see a prayer space and to hear what the pupils thought about it.
A lively group of 10 children talked about the prayer space enthusiastically, remarking that it’s neat and colourful, and there’s no doubt that this inviting prayer corner is considered a very normal and welcome part of school life. As well as occasionally visiting the prayer space in classes some said they like to go to the prayer space in their own time, at break or lunch times. One girl said, ‘If I’ve had a bad playtime, if I come in here it helps me to calm down and think about what I can do.’
The children really appreciated the ideas and the creativity and how this helps them, especially when getting started with prayer can feel difficult. ‘It give you lots of ideas and it’s things that help you reflect and be calm.’
The focus of the space I visited was harvest, set out in bright oranges and yellows with information, Bible verses, prayers, picture stories, post it notes and ideas for how people might respond. One boy summed up his feelings about the space, ‘You can just be quiet and close your eyes and think about what God has given you, and all the things he’s provided for you.’
If you would like to know more you can watch the recent video interview with GenR8 here on our Prayer Spaces in Schools You Tube channel!