
Northampton Training Day – DIY Prayer Spaces?

14th July 2022


Back in May (when the weather wasn’t quite so hot in England), some of the Prayer Spaces team travelled to Northampton to deliver a day of training. It was an excellent day, hosted by Leah Peters from The Lighthouse Trust. 

We were welcomed into Broadmead Community Church to use their main hall while Leah and her team spread various disassembled prayer activities across the room. 

There are lots of ways to run training in a way that is effective, engaging and helpful but I particularly loved how this session took place. Leah led us in a wonderful introduction and prayer and Tim took us through a very engaging, interactive discussion of prayer spaces theology, why and how to run a prayer space, the benefit to schools, churches and pupils, as well as lots of helpful ideas and suggestions. 

The great success, I think, was how participants were invited to assemble their own prayer space – sort of a DIY prayer space session. Participants read the instructions and set up each activity themselves to get an idea of what it might look like to put together their own prayer space. 

Seeing the room transform from scattered boxes to 2 pop up gazebos, bubble tubes, netting, butterflies, fizzy forgiveness and hope blossoms was stunning. One participant remarked, “It is beautiful to experience the journey of a prayer space and the way it transforms a space, as well as a soul.”

Another said, “Now I feel ready to tackle the set up of a prayer space on my own and I also know why I’m doing this and what this can bring to the life of a school.”

We would like to thank Leah for inviting us to Northampton.

If you would like to attend some training or have space to host a training session, we would be more than happy to help. Please contact us at