
"The girls walked around with magnifying glasses, quietly to begin with, but then with joy, awe and wonder, which bubbled up like praise."

13th October 2021

Jane Gillis from Bristol Schools Connection and a team of local volunteers hosted an outdoor prayer space at Wick Primary School in Bristol this week. One of the volunteers Emelye shares her reflection of the day.

‘It was my first time in this primary school, I was warmly welcomed by the receptionist, who confidently wrote ‘prayer space volunteer’ on my badge – that in itself spoke volumes to me, everyone knew we were there, and what we were there to do; which was how the day played out. I arrived just in time to pray with the wonderful team of volunteers. All the groups arrived accompanied by a member of staff who was pleased to be there, the sunshine did help! The children came in half classes which, due to having such a big team of volunteers, meant that we had very small groups so we were able to talk through each of the activities and hear what the children thought.’

‘The best bit for me was getting alongside the children, unknown by me, but so loved by the Father. He showed me his tenderness for them.’

‘A group of boys looked into the Character Cards box and reached in. Each one gave the gift of encouragement to another whilst laughing but then there was silence as each one received the gift. There was a girl on the edge of a crowd of lively boys. and I whispered, “please could you encourage her too?” and suddenly the girl was inundated with beautiful words and her lap overflowed with them. She looked bewildered, overwhelmed and then laughed. She was drawn in.’

‘A girl enjoyed sitting in the refugee boat. I asked her how she would welcome people arriving in Bristol?” She thought and said, “firstly, I would give them money, then I’d give them food and drink – I’d put it into google translate so they got the food they liked and then I’d say come and live with me.” I nearly cried. What a welcome that would be. Isn’t that Jesus right there? Him at home in us, and we in him?’ 

‘The girls walked around with magnifying glasses, quietly to begin with, but then with joy, awe and wonder, which bubbled up like praise. They drew louder until our attention was drawn to them, what have they found? A slug, but they see the beauty in it! A tiny mushroom, a shield bug, small miracles of life.’

‘Thank you for the privilege of today, to be allowed to turn up and just wonder at the work of Jesus as he walks with these little ones who he loves!’