23rd August 2021
This could be a very significant back to school for many students. The last academic year was a year like no other. Children and young people have had to adapt to online learning, wearing face masks and having to social distance from their friends. There has been so much uncertainty, disappointments, worry and loneliness over the last year which has caused many children and young people to feel anxious.
As we approach the beginning of a new academic year and students return to the classroom, let us join together and pray for and love our local schools.
Here are seven ways you can love your local school this September.
Here are a few national ones to check out:
Scripture Union Scotland is running Back to School with God and this year’s theme is the Boat and the Breakfast. Access this resource here.
The Free churches group have provided resources for Education Sunday on 12th September. The theme is A Word in Season. Access this resource here.