
“The prayer space enabled deeper discussions about faith and encouraging advice for each other”

7th February 2019


At St Mary Magdalene Primary, we run a prayer space each term alongside one of our Christian core values. During the Autumn Term we focused on ‘Love’. 

The prayer space was visited by groups of children throughout the week and allowed time for quiet reflection and the opportunity to be creative in prayer. We enjoyed praying for our link school in Uganda. Year 6 children thought that the prayer space ‘brought everyone together’ and ‘made us (the school community) stronger when we pray”

In this space we used the prayer activities, ‘Be the light’ ‘Refugee Rucksacks’ and ‘Big Questions’ which amongst the older children allowed deeper discussions about faith, and encouraging advice for each other.

We also have a prayer tree and each child takes a coloured ribbon to match the colour of our Christian core value, ‘Love’ is pink. The ribbons are worn throughout the week and help the children reflect on their time in the space and be mindful of the love they show to each other during the school day. We have enjoyed Year 6 children taking reception children into the space and supporting them with the activities.

We love displaying our prayers and activities for parents and visitors to see and we are currently running a ‘Thankfulness’ prayer space using ideas and resources from prayer spaces in schools.

  • Prayer helps to connect us and find things in common’ – year 4
  • ‘Friends who prayer together, stay together’ – Year 6.